It is the policy of EEIto engage and dialogue with shareholders and institutional investors. Through Investor Relations, material information requirements for the investing public are fully disclosed to the Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE) as well as to the shareholders through the Annual Reports and the annual Stockholders' Meetings, one-on-one and group meetings with representatives from investment houses, conference calls, roadshows, website updates, e-mails and telephone calls with individual and institutional investors.
[Note: For the website only. NOT to be included in the printed version of the Prospectus]
The Prospectus is being displayed in the website to make the Prospectus accessible to more investors. The Philippine Stock Exchange, Inc. (鈥淧SE鈥) assumes no responsibility for the correctness of any statements made or opinions or reports expressed in the Prospectus. Furthermore, the PSE makes no representation as to the completeness of the Prospectus and disclaims any liability whatsoever for any loss arising from or in reliance in whole or in part on the contents of the Prospectus.